Senior Kappa Affairs

The Senior Kappa Affairs Committee

The core mission of the National Senior Kappa Affairs Committee is to recruit, reclaim, and retain members of our Fraternity who are 60 years of age and older as active, contributing, fully financial brothers. Our goal is to facilitate their involvement and well-being, fostering a community of engaged and supportive members. 

Our local Senior Kappa Affairs Committee stands as one of the most active in the Northeastern Province, consistently demonstrating the powerful impact dedicated service can have on our community. Through a variety of projects and initiatives, our senior brothers have not only remained involved, but they have set a standard for community service that benefits senior citizens throughout our service area.

Senior Kappa Affiars Committee

Four Core Objectives

  1. To actively recruit, reclaim, and retain members of the Fraternity who are 60 years of age and older as active, contributing, fully financial brothers.
  2. To encourage the implementation of programs that will facilitate the involvement and well-being of Senior Kappas.
  3. To become involved in community service initiatives that are geared toward senior citizens in our respective service areas.
  4. To establish and maintain Senior Kappa Affairs as a standing committee within the Trenton Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

Five Pillars were established to accomplish these objectives. These pillars constitute the framework for our Creed of “Leave No Brother Behind and Leave No Community Behind”.

Our Five Key Pillars for implementation

  1. The Senior Kappa Breakfast Krew (SKBK) which meets every Tuesday morning to support and fellowship with brothers
  2. Senior Brothers mentoring the next generation (Adoption of the Copeland elementary school 1st 2nd and 3rd graders mentoring)
  3. Operation Community Outreach (Partnership with senior citizen housing complex)
  4. Healthy Brothers, Healthy Community (Discussions with Black cardiologist, Dentist, and health care professionals about health-related issues)
  5. Leaderboard of Service (Measure what you treasure- We treasure achievement in every field of human endeavor)
Lives Impacted at the Copeland School
Meals Distributed to Seniors
Reported Hours of Service


  • Awarded the prestigious 2024 New Jersey State Governor’s Volunteerism Award
  • Assigned the 2024 SKAEF Grant
  • Received a total of over 6100 dollars in funding for SKAC 
  • Published first edition of Senior Kappa Affairs e-newsletter featured on NE Province website
  • Adoption of the Dr. Crosby Copeland Jr Elementary School –Mentoring program to first, second and third grade boys
  • Established Partnership with North 25 Senior Citizen Complex. Delivered over 1,152 nonperishable food bags
  • Established weekly Senior Kappa Breakfast Krew event for brothers to gather and fellowship 
  • Donated over 50 suits, ties, and shirts to the Father Center of Central New Jersey
  • Held the first Autumn Jazz dinner dance for Senior Brothers and significant others
  • Establishment of Healthy Brothers–Healthy Communities initiatives
  • Developed Scorecard to track and record hours of service 1,501 reported hours of service
  • Establishment of a Healthy Barbershop Initiative for men at North 25 Senior Citizen Complex
  • Participated in the National Day of Reading 2025