TAC Leadership

Ryan Harris Esq - Polemarch
Ryan Harris, Esq
Ahmanish Robinson MBA - 1st Vice Polemarch
Ahmanish Robinson, M.B.A.
1st Vice Polemarch
Palmer Richardson Esq - 2nd Vice Polemarch
Palmer Richardson, Esq.
2nd Vice Polemarch
Arthur Esaw - Keeper of Records
Arthur Esaw
Keeper of Records
DeQuincy McRae - Keeper of Exchequer
DeQuincy McRae
Keeper of Exchequer
Gary Lawery - Assistant Keeper of Records
Gary Lawery
Asst. Keeper of Records
Clifford Xantus - Assistant Keeper of the Exchequer
Clifford Xantus
Asst. Keeper of the Exchequer
Corey McNair - Lt Strategus
Corey McNair
Lt. Strategus
Michael Coe - Sr. Chaplain
Michael Coe, Sr.